2011年11月1日 星期二

Koey the Ghost (Happy Halloween!!!)

1 則留言:

  1. 終於揾番你 & 你終於可以 upgrade 啦!!!!!!! 但係 yahoo 唔俾我關注你呀 >_<''.... sigh, 希望你個 blog 快d好番啦!!!!!! Koey 俾你訓練好, 蓋住佢都唔喊唔驚嘅, 好好玩!!!!
    [feon_ko回覆11/10/2011 10:59:34]yes, i can upgrade la, but...i got yahoo's email saying that my blog's problem is quite serious and no solution yet ... Lucky that I just found that my other acc can reply your msg...now...at least can have some interaction now...
