2011年10月20日 星期四

how to use ar~~~~~

老公子終於幫我去o左yahoo office改番個acc 年齡, 所以我個blog都upgrade o左喇, 但upgrade完個blog好古怪呀, 我回應唔到之前d blog o既留言, 又唔知咩係關注...我使唔使重新add 番blog友o架...


6 則留言:

  1. hihi... 今日都仲係關注唔到你個blog喎, 成日都話伺服器有問題, 但其他blog 係冇事架, 我 upgrade 時, 會將以前的"訂閱blog"自動變晒做"關注", 不過大家的名就全部唔同, 因為係顯示番開 account的名 instead of blog名, 所以開始時都未必會分別到邊個打邊個咁... 你想"關注"人就去我地個blog 下面按關注就得, 你睇下你個yahoo pluse account 的 setting有個關注 blog 管理咁上下, 你可以響入面再 set 架, 我就發現grouping 要set 過囉... 你試下得冇~~
    [feon_ko回覆11/10/2011 10:21:58]ai...i got yahoo's email saying that my blog's problem is quite serious and no solution yet ...

    Lucky that I just found that my other acc can reply your msg...now...at least can have some interaction now...

  2. Great to see u here
    [feon_ko回覆11/10/2011 10:22:32]Yeah~~~ but my blog is still out of function....ai...i got yahoo's email saying that my blog's problem is quite serious and no solution yet ...

    Lucky that I just found that my other acc can reply your msg...now...at least can have some interaction now...

  3. 報到
    [feon_ko回覆11/10/2011 10:22:47]haha, just found that my other acc can reply your msg...now...at least can have some interaction now...

  4. 應該唔駛重新ADD過架, 不過唔見你有相同名既?
    [feon_ko回覆11/10/2011 10:23:10]ai...i got yahoo's email saying that my blog's problem is quite serious and no solution yet ...

    Lucky that I just found that my other acc can reply your msg...now...at least can have some interaction now...
    [小藍回覆10/25/2011 09:56:15]E? 係喎關注唔倒喎…咁唔通你要重新ADD過? 我係靠之前自己BOOKMARK左你條LINK入黎架…

  5. 我都見唔到你個名同相呀...又關注唔到既...

  6. 我係安琪兒呀... 我仲未敢UPDATE , 所以我0係舊版本處係睇唔到妳0地0既UPDATE, 要走入0黎先睇到... 哎.. YBLOG, 唔改好過改啦... 完全唔完善... 哎...!!!!!!
    [feon_ko回覆11/10/2011 10:24:00]ai...yup, my blog is out of function, i lost my blog friends...
