2012年3月11日 星期日

Koey寫真集: 浴衣篇

由於有Koey最like o既duck duck, Koey影呢個造型基本上無喊過, 不過呢個series d相張張差唔多, 變化太少, 同埋Koey成日吊起雙眼望住上面又無乜笑呢...

(photo edited by feon: crop)

1 則留言:

  1. Hi Feon,

    This is Charlie from QOOZA.
    This is my account in Yahoo. Would you please add me to be your friend so that I can visit your blog.

    If you have any question, feel free to contact me.

    [版主回覆03/14/2012 22:28:51]Hi Charlie, seems that you haven't activate your yahoo blog, maybe you have to activate your blog account so that i can go to your blog and add you as friend.
    Thanks :)
