2009年7月1日 星期三

Today is our last day in Greece!!! We will miss Santorini!!

Hi everyone, just saw an email from my friend that Greece had an earthquake this morning, I just asked the owner of the hotel, he said the earthquake took place at another island and is only a moderate/soft one, so we are very safe and no need to worry!!

Today is the last day in Greece, tmr we will take an early flight at 7am to Milan and have a half day visit to the city before going up to the south of Switzerland!!

That means, we have to say bye to the lovely island Santorini tonight!! We will miss this lovely island for sure!!!

'Ho Ng Se Duck ar!!!!'

P.S. Between, We are living at the cheapest room of the trip, but yet it is still the same hotel as yesterday!!! haha, as we are living in the basement instead of the room with Jacuzzi, really miss the view of this hotel and the kindness of the hotel owner!!!

See you, hope we still have chance to get online in Swiss!! Bye!

4 則留言:

  1. glad that you're enjoying your honeymoon :) when you are in Switzerland, you must try luxembergli at Sprungli - they're soooooooooooo yummy!!

  2. luckily earthquake not affect yr trip~

  3. 我好掛住你呀~~~~

  4. 有酒店房o係 basement? 返黎post下相俾我地睇 ~
