2008年6月4日 星期三

The development of Cognitive Science

其實之前都收到一d舊同學o既消息,今日正式收到official o既email通知,我所讀o既大學科目要'摺'喇...唉...本來已經無乜人知我讀呢科係乜,睇怕將來認識呢科o既人將會更少喇...


Dear students and alumni of BCogSc

You may be aware that the Bachelor of Cognitive Science will soon be subsumed under the Faculty’s flagship programme, Bachelor of Social Sciences, in the 2009-2010 academic year.  To better prepare for this change, I would like to arrange a consultative session to hear your views. Details for the meeting are as follows:

Date : Wednesday June 11, 2008
Time : 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Venue : T4, Meng Wah Complex, HKU

As we may not have a comprehensive contact list of our alumni, you are welcome to convey the message to them.

I look forward to seeing you.

Best wishes.
Professor Ian Holliday


1 則留言:

  1. 之前以為從此消失, 但呢家係變做一個major, 都好少少。但唔知有無人揀呢個major.. 
    [版主回覆06/05/2008 20:18:00]係囉...如果要揀,都揀PSYCHO啦...我估無乜人會走去TAKE CS D COURSE...哈...
